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Are you an interested instructor or student?

GradeCraft for Instructors

GradeCraft is available for instructors everywhere, from grades K-12 through higher education, and for classrooms and other learning settings.

University of Michigan Access

Get started as a U-M instructor! Because GradeCraft is designed and developed at the University of Michigan’s Center for Academic Innovation, it is available for all U-M instructors to use freely.

Simply use your U-M Canvas account to add GradeCraft to your course!

Public Access

We’re proud to offer GradeCraft to instructors anywhere in the world! We have free trial accounts available for any instructor wishing to try out GradeCraft. You’ll be able to fully set up a course, explore our features, and try out how things work—the only thing you can’t do is add students using the LTI connection.

You may also purchase a license (or upgrade your free trial at any time) if you find GradeCraft is right for you and your students.

Learn more about licensing options

GradeCraft for Students

At the heart of GradeCraft is the desire to help students and learners everywhere succeed. We know how much work your instructors put into making classrooms an engaging learning environment, and we love helping them with that effort. If you’re excited to learn gamefully, first:

students ask your instructors

1. Check with your instructor

They may already be using GradeCraft—in which case they’ll be able to get you the necessary signup and/or login info you need to get started!

2. Introduce your instructor to GradeCraft

If you’d like to see GradeCraft in a classroom near you, share our work with your instructor:

It takes a lot of work to make a course gameful, so your instructor may not be able to change the experience for your class, but you may change the experience for future students. Remember, your instructor has probably thought a lot about what and how they teach, so we recommend taking the time to learn from them about their approach as well as explaining what you like about gameful learning.